After a lifetime of personal research, tens of thousands of hours of trial and error, and input from myriad authors, teachers, friends, and family, I am pleased to announce my forthcoming book, “The Renascent Boomer – A Tsunami Rising”. Yay!
If you are looking for inspiration and practical coaching on how to experience life with renewed vigor, and to have more fun and adventure, then this book is for you. If you still have some big dreams that are saying, Do It Now, get ready to dust them off. If you have a unique business idea, or a better way of helping Veterans, and don’t know how to get started, pre-order, at no obligation, “The Renascent Boomer – A Tsunami Rising” now, and receive your FREE copy of the Renascent Boomer Action Guide along with your book, upon release.
If you are from the Rock n’ Roll era, you already have the wisdom to know many of the steps you need to take to make a course correction in life. Being a Boomer wasn’t all about sex, drugs and rock n’ roll. The era inaugurated for marching for freedom, taking risks to the excess, thinking creatively outside the box, and speaking out against the establishment, created change agents with the grit to improve lives.
Whether you are from the Baby Boomer generation or not, the same, time-tested, success methods apply to all directed changes in life. You must know why you are doing what you are doing. You must make a plan and take action. You must evaluate your results for course correction.
Maybe you have arrived at a point in life where you feel your back is against the wall. Perhaps you have reached a level of financial freedom that allows you to give to others more freely than ever before. Regardless of your starting point, it just takes an idea to get you moving again.
The past is merely part of where we’re going, and regrets are guesses just what might have been. You are going to leave a legacy of some kind. Now is the time to create and sustain the legacy you want to leave behind. The legacy you want to see, be it now!
Start by pre-ordering this informative and humorous, life-changing and inspirational book today, and receive the FREE gift of the Renascent Boomer Action Guide along with your book