Weekly 5-Outtakes Jan 24

Weekly 5-Outtakes Jan 24

Build the foundation strong and deep. Often folks get this far into the new year and lose confidence. Life gets in the way and disruptions happen. This is when I remind myself that those enormous 100 story skyscrapers start with months of excavating and construction to strengthen the foundation before anything is seen above ground. Goals need foundations. What is the next MIT (Most Important Thing) that you need to do to move ahead? Remember, minutes of preparation, save hours of implementation.

Book I am reading
Fifty-five, Unemployed, and Faking Normal: Your Guide to a Better Retirement Life – Elizabeth (Lizzy) White
This too will pass. We have all heard that remark from some well-meaning friend at some point in our lives when disappointment and even severe loss has lifted its ugly head. Everything happens for a reason is another phrase meant to console us in times of trouble. The truth is that our lives are filled with problems that need to be solved. Occasionally, our daily problems are interrupted by periods of catastrophe. The point being that we all are in a crisis, just heading out of a crisis, or just about to head into a crisis. The question is how are we going to think our way out of the situation in which we find ourselves. Elizabeth White forces us to look at our responses and suggests better methods with which to recover our belief in ourselves and the world. An excellent read!

Affirmation I am repeating.                                                                                        Personal responsibility is the cornerstone of creating change in our lives. Once we accept that what we think and how we think are under our control, we have the profound realization that “I am powerful beyond measure.”

The Three Biggest Alternative Facts About Baby Boomers – Exposed
Once you stop steady employment, you can never get a decent job.
Owning my own business is out of the question at my age.
My contribution is not as valuable now as it was in the past.

What I’m researching
What’s the story on Telomeres? Biologist Elizabeth Blackburn and psychologist Elissa Epel detail ways average Joes and Janes can protect their telomeres — and possibly live longer and feel better.