Weekly 5-Outtakes March 16

Weekly 5-Outtakes March 16

Process hacks that assist in focus and concentration
Having a 90-Day Adventure card that I can carry in my pocket of wallet provides a visual reminder of the most important thing I need to accomplish in a given day. The sense of accomplishment at the end of the day is reinforced by three senses, physically checking it off after reading it, sub-verbalizing it as complete and seeing the check mark of completion. It contributes to peace of mind.

TedEx Talk that taught me
What obituaries can teach us about living.

Book I am reading
Kiss That Frog! by Brian Tracy – Repeatedly, as we develop ourselves, we need to renew our belief in ourselves at each new level. Brian reminds us of proven methods we all can use to help turn negatives into positives.

One thing I am grateful for
I am excited for the adventures that start my day and allow it to close with the feeling that I have done my best.

Health process I am enjoying
Do not take a sauna without medical advice. For me, nothing beats a sauna for stress release and meditation time. I have not been able to ignore wanting to record the great ideas that come to me while relaxing, so I voice record and transcribe later.