What is Success?


A portion of this quote decorated the wall of my high school in Akron, OH. It was attributed to an incorrect author according to some quote masters. Regardless, it resonates with many baby-boomers.

“He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others and given the best he had; whose life was an inspiration; whose memory a benediction.” – Bessie A. Stanley of Lincoln, Kansas

Many years ago, Brian Tracy had an enormous impact on my life. His goal setting exercise is second to none for helping you determine what steps are essential to achieving the things you want most out of life. Check out “The New Psychology of Achievement”. I have met Brian Tracy personally, many times, and can attest to the quality of all his material. I highly recommend getting started with any of his programs. They make great, life changing listening while working out or driving.

Brian Tracy International

Also, see the Press Release of the forthcoming book that I have co-authored with Brian Tracy “Success Manifesto: The World’s Leading Entrepreneurs and Professionals Reveal Their Secrets For Achieving Success in Your Health, Wealth, and Lifestyle.”


Boomers to Zoomers Persevere


All we have is now…and now…and now. No matter your adult age, your past has become familiar to you. It is common to spend hours of your day re-examining, replaying, and rescripting each scene; as if changing the perception will change the outcome. Regrets can often result in attempts to rewrite the past as things might have been. Regrets are inevitable, and, regrets are teaching points. The finite time we have is better spent making course corrections. Failing frequently leads to better results that have already been tested.

Why is it so important to keep learning? As Einstein responded when asked why his exam questions remained the same year after year, “The answers have changed”. The answers have changed from as few as 10-15 years ago. Technology rocks our world on an ever increasing basis.

The good old days are not coming back, nor would you really want them to. We all have the ability to learn new skills and attitudes moving forward. In the academic world, the saying is; publish or perish. In life itself, it’s; grow or stagnate to death.

As a reminder of how important every minute is in my life, I frequently revisit this video by Sam Harris. This reminds me of the things that are really important in life, and to help stay focused in the moment. We can only grow forward from where we are now, not from where we used to be. There are clear, duplicatable steps to follow.

Without question, what you think about, on a focused basis, inevitably comes into reality. Humans have the unique ability to make new decisions, based on new information, and to change their mindset. You have the innate ability to improve your future by simply gaining knowledge. Talent, or lack thereof, has proven to be less critical to being persistent than these three, teachable, action steps.

  1. Growth Mindset
  2. Positive Self-Talk
  3. Follow the Leader

Growth Mindset + Positive Self-Talk + Follow the Leader = Zoomer Persistence

Your brain has the ability to increase mental capacity, In other words, you can increase your IQ. Your own mindset in believing that you can improve is absolutely essential in striving for a new goal.

Angela Duckworth has examined the Grit that it takes to exhibit persistence over adversity. Her studies indicate that the grittier individual has the greater perseverance in achieving their goal.

Action Plan

  • Answer the Grit questions and review your score. There are no right answers. Grit Questions
  • Give yourself permission to learn whatever it takes to make your goal a reality. Repeat this self-affirmation: I can learn this!
  • Begin to see yourself as having completed the goal. “I know I can do this!
  • Search for a person, alive or not, who examples the personality you want to be when reaching your goal. Ask for help. If you ever see a turtle sitting on a fencepost, it did not get there by itself.


Attitude is Still Everything!

Get Easier photo card


A story goes that a farmer had a visitor come up to his front porch in the middle of a hot summer day. The farmer was sitting in a rocking chair while his hunting dog laid right beside him. While the visitor was talking to the farmer, periodically, the dog would whine. After several whimpers from the dog, the visitor asks if the dog is OK? The farmer says, Oh yes. He’s OK. He is just lying on a nail. The visitor quips, then why doesn’t he move? The farmer says it don’t hurt bad enough yet.

That dog is like many humans. They will sit there, in pain, not wanting to do anything about it until the pain turns into a catastrophe. In the meantime, they use hope as a strategy.

As always, attitude is where I break into the Action Circle to begin the change process. Clarity is the mark of a successful beginning on everything. I have learned about myself, that when I am not getting clear on a subject, I need to clear my thinking. In order to clear my thinking, I have found it most helpful to get out of my head and into my heart. Nothing changes my mood and attitude faster than and overcomer movie, or inspirational audio or video. It needs to resonate with feeling to get me thinking outside myself. Instead of thinking what’s wrong inside, thinking what’s right out there in the world.

Myth Busters had a hilarious episode where they tested the effectiveness of “Slap some sense into me” . It used a slap machine with a hand that would unexpectedly slap the subject. The conclusion was “Myth Confirmed”, that the subject actually became clearer in their thinking, and performed better in testing after being slapped in the face.

You must break out of the now moment of being in one frame of mind into the now moment of an open frame of mind. It is said that the mind is like a parachute, it works better when it is open.

Action Loop

Action Circle:
Why are you doing what you want to do?
What are your Goals to reach “Your why”?
What Action steps are you going to take?
What are the Results from your Actions?
Evaluate your Results to achieve your Why
Start over again

This diagram demonstrates how a change in belief (Why) leads to an improvement in potential (Goals), releasing the energy for Action, that leads to the desired Results. It starts with the basics. I have found that the course of life can be simplified into kindergarten circles, fill-in-the-blank, connect-the-dots, third-grade math and play follow the leader. The steps are numbered and easy, however, the process takes effort. You will need to hold your feet to the fire and use discipline and will power to do the things that other people will not do to get success started.

When I began to look for ways to change my attitude, I remembered this video by Andy Andrews. Although Andy Andrews started out as a comedian, his Mastering the Seven Decisions video resonates for changing attitudes and course directions. Enjoy.

Action Plan

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The Japanese Reason for Being is extremely helpful is getting focused on determining where you are, and where you want to be.

  • List ten ideas that come to mind for each of the four areas. Write them down in a safe place to refer to repeatedly. If it is not written, it is not so.
  • In the process, get clear on the values and beliefs that surround each area
  • For each idea, answer the following question: “Which means?”
  • Cogitate on those values for a week to see if they really fit for you at this point in your life. Studies show that age impacts strength and hierarchy of values.

We will look at values next to get clearer and more focused on what is important to you and others.

Begin Again

I am a baby boomer from the leading edge, born in 1948. I have fallen forward, reached many goals, and enjoyed many lifetime adventures. I have concluded that regrets are a necessary component of the learning experience and our past is merely part of where we’re going.

I have been an entrepreneur most of my life and now run my business from a cloud server so that I can be anywhere in the world. That was a childhood dream, to be financially self-sufficient, without being restricted to one location. I have traveled extensively, 5 continents, 26 countries, and counting.

Recently, I reached a turning point. I concluded that I had abundance yet to give back and pay forward. It  became apparent that I needed to change myself once more to reach a new goal. Everyone has a story to tell and this is my chronicle of the changes I am making, and will continue to build on, in order to achieve my personal best.

To begin again means taking what I have learned through my boomer years to create greater significance growing forward – to zoom into the future by applying the wisdom from the past. Imagine; opening a new chapter in life as if a younger person, why not eighteen again, yet knowing what you know now.

Myself, along with podcast guests, will be addressing the initial topics most prevalent in my latest journey;

  • Five Reminders of Things You Know, You Know.
  • Attitude is Still Everything – Getting a Handle on it, Again.
  • What Does it Take to Get Started Again?
  • Rebuilding Your Self-Esteem
  • Forgive Your Past and Yourself  to Gain Future Clarity in Thinking.
  • Where Do I Go for Help and Encouragement?
  • Finding Time is Essential
  • How to Love Self-Discipline, Really!
  • Who Said it Was Supposed to Get Easier!
  • Hold Your Feet to the Fire
  • Stay Hungry and Foolish